Saturday, March 28, 2015

Swedish pancakes recipe // crepas suecas // pannkakor recept

 Traditionally Swedish people don't eat pancakes for brunch or breakfast , but for lunch or dinner. The pancakes are thin and can be mixed with any type of jam, whipped cream, milk or ice cream.

Actually we have one day a week which is dedicated to pancakes, which is Thursdays. If you go to have lunch at a traditional Swedish lunch place you will most probably find the option of pancakes and pea soup.

Luckily swedes eat more healthy nowadays and pancakes are just enjoyed every now and then.

Today I will give you my grandmothers recipe for pancakes, enjoy!

Mix the eggs, milk, flour and salt, the dough should be very thin. Heat a pan, with some fat such as butter, and poor a small amount (less than 1 dl / 0.4 cups) of the dough into the warm pan. Take the pan and tilt it so the dough can spread by itself. As you can see below the pancake should be very thin.

It will go very fast, turn it around when its golden brown and cook the other side (will take less time)

Put them folded in half on top of each other so they will stay warm until all are finished.

Then its time to eat! This time I took blueberries, blackberries and raspberry jam.

Spread your mix out on the pancake, I aslo put a small amount of milk on top of my pancake. But you can skip that or add whipped cream for extra indulgence ;)

Roll the pancake, and enjoy these thin delicious swedish pancakes!

Grandmas Recipe for Swedish pancakes
  • 7 dl Milk (3 cups)
  • 3-4 dl flour (1.3-1.7 cups)
  • 3 eggs
  • A pinch of salt

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Avocado snack

Very hungry before dinner? Need something quick before or after the gym? Or are you longing for something sweet but want to eat something healthy instead?

I usually take an avocado, simply slice it in two, remove the stone and add some juice from a lime or lemon, and some salt. I eat it directly with a small spoon, it's so quick and tastes delicious!


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

seafood soup recipe // fisk och skalsjursoppa secept // SOPAS DE MARISCOS!!

Buenas Tardes a todos !!!!

Wow nuevo blog con nuevas cosas y  para que fluya mas personas y vengan mas gentes del mundo! por lo pronto aquí estamos son las 1.24 de la mañana y aquí andamos checando y moviéndole al nuevo blog lo  cual seguira conectado con Facebook!
pues aquí les doy la receta del dia de  hoy
La famosa sopa de Mariscos a mi estilo  dice asi :
Ingredientes para 4 personas de sopa de marisco
1 union// gullök// cebolla, 1 red pepper// röd paprika // pimiento rojo, 3 garlic cloves // vitlöksklyftor // dientes de ajo, 4 tomatoes // tomater // tomates pera maduros, 50 centiliters olive oil // olivolja // aceite de oliva, 250 gr. legs of octupus // bläckfiskarm// patas de pulpo, 150 gr. jumbo shrimps // större räkor // langostinos, 150 gr. white fish file // vit fisk // filete de pescado blanco , 1/2 leek /purjolök // puerro, 2 leafs of laurel // lagerblad //hojas de laurel, parsley // persilja // perejil  , 2 big potatoes // stora potatisar // patatas grandes, 1/2 tablespoon pepper powder // paprikapulver//  de pimentón dulce, salt // salt // sal, pepper// peppar // pimienta. Croutons // krutonger // Dados de pan frito, para servir.

Elaboración de la sopa de marisco
Para hacer el caldo, calienta 1,5 litros de agua con el laurel, unas hojas de perejil, las cabezas y pieles de los langostinos (reservando los cuerpos), el puerro en trozos y el pulpo, bien lavado. Añade un poco de sal y deja cocer 30 minutos a fuego lento.
Mientras tanto prepara un sofrito con los ajos y la cebolla pelada y picados finos, salteando en una olla de fondo grueso con el aceite de oliva. Cuando estén tiernos añade los tomates en trozos y el pimiento rojo bien picado. Deja pochar 20 minutos a fuego medio, añadiendo una pizca de agua si se quedara seco.
Añade al final una pizca de pimentón dulce al sofrito y cubre con el caldo de pescado colado, reservando aparte el pulpo. Tritura con la batidora e incorpora las patatas peladas y en dados y el pulpo cortado en trozos pequeños. 
Deja cocer a fuego lento 15 minutos. Añade el pescado blanco y los langostinos reservados. Si quieres añade algunas gambas peladas congeladas, para que quede más sustancioso. Agrega unas hojas de perejil picadas y deja acabar la cocción unos 5-10 minutos, o hasta que las patatas queden muy tiernas.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Home made root vegetable chips

It's super easy to make your own root vegetable chips in the oven, and so much more healthy than the potato chips you find in the store. Of course you can buy root vegetable chips in the store too but they can be quite expensive.

Peel your favourite choice of root vegetable. Don't make them to thin, since they easily get burned in the oven. I took beetroot, carrot and parsnip. Provence sentenced salt, lemon, olive oil and Parmesan to add taste

I mixed the carrot with olive oil, salt, and some peel from a lemon

The parsnip was mixed with olive oil and salt de Provence

The beetroot got mixed with olive oil, Parmesan and salt de Provence

 Put them one by one on oven paper and put them in the convection oven, 180-200 C (356-393 Fahrenheit) for about 10 minutes. If you have regular oven use the same heat but roast them for 20-30 minutes instead, and turn them every now and then.

And this is the wonderful result!
Unfortunately the parsnip got to thin and got burned very quickly, but the carrot and root beat taste wonderful. It's a great snack and goes very well with you favorite glass of wine or sparkling :)
-Root vegetable such as root beat, carrot and parsnip
-Olive Oil
-Salt and seasoned salt
-Peel from a lemon
Convection oven 180-200 C (356-393 Fahrenheit) and roast them for about 10 minutes.
Regular oven 180-200 C (356-393 Fahrenheit)  and roast them for 20-30 mins instead, and turn them eveynow and then.


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Next Stop: Cape Verde!

Next week we will be off to Cape Verde, a group of islands outside the west coast of Africa.

We look forward to the beach, sunny weather, explore the islands and to meet the local people.
When it comes to food culture we are expecting to enjoy a lot of seafood! Fisherman's comes back to shore early every morning to sell what they did capture during the night.

Meanwhile our visit to Cape Verde, we will  share some fantastic seafood recipes as inspiration.

Anyone that already been to Cape Verde? Let us know your experience!

The picture is from a previous travel to Portugal, that we will tell you more about later. But since it's the same ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, that we will dip our toes in and the same language, Portuguese, that is spoken at both locations we thought the picture could represent our coming trip to Cape Verde ;) 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Very much welcome to Traveling&Fooding's new blog

We want to offer you a great mix of food experiences, cooking, travels and adventures. We want to share our experiences with you, and we want you to inspire us.

So wherever we go, for food or exploring, we will make sure to share the highlights!