Wednesday, June 3, 2015

2 weeks later

The herbs of coriander and chili is growing! The coriander is really growing fast and soon its time to pant it to bigger pots! Unfortunately the salad did not make it, it grew for two weeks and then it gave up...but below you can see first the evolving chili and then coriander.

 Chili after 1 week

Chili after 2 weeks

Coriander after 1 week

Coriander after 2 weeks

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Raw food chocolate balls // nyttiga raw food choklad bollar // raw food bolas de chocolate

I like to have some treats at home, and the healthier the better. If there are some sweets or chocolates at home I will eat it, so its better to just completely avoid it. I'm the most hungry when I come home from work, and then these raw food chocolate balls are perfect to have prepared in the fridge. Its enough with 1 or 2, while preparing the dinner.

Ensure that you use the exact ingredients, and use quite mild nuts. I used some salty peanuts mixed with other nuts and that is not to recommend. Also I used dry date plums and it got way to dry and sweet, use fresh ones. 

Ingredients (12 balls):

12 fresh date plums // färska dadlar // fechas
2 DL mixed  natural nuts // nötter // nueces
1 tablespoon coconut oil //  kokos fett/olja // aceite de coco
2 tablespoons raw cocoa // raw kakao //
1 tablespoon espresso //espresso //espresso
shredded coconut // kokosflingor // copos de coco

How to do it:

Put all the nuts in the blender and mix until they become fine like flour.

Add all the other ingredients and mix completely. Shape small balls and turn them in the shredded coconut. Put in the fridge for one hour. Ready! Store them in the fridge, they last about one week.

    Mix the nuts
     After you have added the rest of the ingredients and mixed again it will look like this
    Shape small balls and cover them in coconut

Friday, May 29, 2015

Classic rhubarb pie recipe // klassisk rabarbersmulpaj // pay de rebarbara

The rhubarb is growing like crazy now during pre-summer and when its new and fresh it's more delicate! So I did a classic rhubarb pie, goes fast and tastes like summer :)

  • 3-5 Rhubarb // rabarber // rebarbara
  • 1DL sugar // socker // azucar 
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar // vaniljsocker // azucar de vainilla
For the dough:
  • 2 DL flour // mjöl // harina
  • 1 DL oatmeal // havregryn // harina de avena
  • 4 teaspoons sugar // socker // azucar
  • 150 g butter // smör // mantequilla
How to do it:
Heat the oven to 200 C or 392 F

Peal the rhubarb and cut them is small pieces (about 1 cm). Cover your pie dish with butter so the rhubarbs wont get stuck. Put the pieces of rhubarbs in the pie dish. Spread the sugar mix over the rhubarb.

Now do the dough for the pie. Put flour, sugar and butter in a bowl and mix everything, preferably with your hands. Don't make a big ball of dough but make small pieces of crumbs with your fingers. Spread the dough over the rhubarb.

Bake the pie in the oven for about 20-30 min and serve with vanilla ice cream or vanilla sauce!

I got a little bit too big pie dish and too much rhubarb for the amount of dough, if you do this in a normal round pie dish the dough will cover better :)


Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Care for your herbs and sallad

We have a small project going on here at home where we want to take better care of our fresh herbs. Since we live in an apartment we can benefit from growing things in a garden but we do have a balcony where we could grow a few things.

Also we consume a lot of fresh herbs and salads, and I mean a lot. We do like everyone else, buy the pot of fresh herbs in the grocery store, consume it and then toss it away. Which feels like a waste in both product and money.

So, we are doing two trials here at home.

First, we got the set "Fröer" from IKEA as a gift so we have put seeds of Coriander and red Chili that now hopefully will grow. When they are big enough they will move out on the balcony, meanwhile they are placed inside in the window.

The set comes with two mini boxes where you plant your seeds

Second, we are trying to give a normal pot of consumed crisp green salad a second chance, rumors says it should grow back with some sun and water.

Lets see how it goes!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Shrimp and spinach pasta recipe // Pasta med räkor och spenat recept // Pasta con camarones

Quick and easy pasta recipe that comes out delicious! Can be done a Tuesday after work but can also be served on a Saturday with a nice glass of white wine.

Ingredients: (serves 2)
Pasta // Pasta // Pasta
Oil // olja // aceite
3 Garlic cloves // vilöksklyftor // viente de ajo
1/2 Chili // chilli // chile
Fresh spinach // spenat blad // espinaca
8 big shrimps // räkor // camarones
Salt // Salt // Sal
Pepper // Peppar // Pimienta
Garlic powder // vitlökspulver // Ajo en polvo
Lemon // Citron // Limon
Parmesan // Parmesan // Parmesan

How to do it:
Boil the pasta of your choice, aldente

Heat a wok pan with oil and put in your sliced garlics, let the cook for a little while without getting burned.

Put in shrimps as they are but without the head. Stir, put some salt, pepper and some sliced chili.

Now add fresh spinach. Stir, put more oil, salt and pepper and some garlic powder.

Then add the pasta which is ready and stir around so all the taste from the wok is mixed with the pasta. Finish with to squeeze some fresh lemon over the dish, you can also serve with Parmesan cheese if you want to.

Bon Apetit!

Monday, May 25, 2015

Did we win?

We want to give all our readers a very big thank you for your support in the competition The Travel inspirer of the year, in the niche of Food and Drinks.

The competition is now finalized and the winner has been appointed HERE

Traveling Fooding did not take the first price but we did end up among the top listed. We are very thankful just for the nomination, which was a surprise itself. And we would like to give all our appreciation for all of you that supported us, and to all our readers.

We will of course share our recipes and travels here as normal, and lets see if we can participate in some additional competitions in the future!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

A walk in the park, Stockholm Sweden

Not exactly in the city center, but a good option if you are nearby and want to have a calm walk or is looking for a nice area to do some exercise. Its the castle of Karlberg (Karlbergs slott) and the park located behind the castle.
The castle itself is a white building that was built 1634 and the construction has been altered after that. First it was royal owned but later in 1792 they started up the Military Academy and it still is, so a fun fact is that it's the oldest military academy in the world.

The area is guarded with gates etc but during daytime its open for visitors in the park and you can pass by in front of the castle anytime during the day or night. 

View to the castle from the park

It's a quite spacious park with good tracks for walking or running

Close to the city parts of Vasastan and Kungsholmen

The canal of Karlberg (Karlbergskanalen)

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Boats of Vikings in the city of Stockholm, Sweden

About 1000 years AC the people in the Nordic countries where often called Vikings. You might picture them with beard and helmets with horns on. Actually the viking ladies where quite active too in that society and often came with the men's when it was time to explore the surroundings

Their writing is called runes
And yes did they explore, sometimes it was not only to trade items since the is are proof that Vikings actually invaded cities and houses and took whatever they could find.

One success in their mobility is that they managed to build ships, both with and without sails. These ships could take them all the way to the Mediterranean.

In the city of Stockholm on the island of Skeppsholmen there is actually a place where you can take a class to learn how to build your own boat, and when we took a stroll there last weekend they obviously had a viking theme going!

It's amazing how they managed to build these boats, and we can only guess how many hours is spent on each boat.



Monday, May 18, 2015

Swedish coconut cookies recipe // Kokostoppar med lime och rom recept // Galletas de coco

These coconut cookies are so easy to make, and if you want them to taste a little bit extra you can add lime and rom, it's delicious!

50 g butter // smör // mantequilla
2 egg // ägg // huevos
1 DL or 0,5 cup sugar // socker // azucar
5 1/2 DL or 2 1/2 cups shredded coconut // kokosflingor // coco rallado
If you want also add:
The peal from 1 lime
1 tablespoon extract of rom or real rom

How to do it:
Heat the oven to 175 C or 347 F

Melt the butter and mix with all your ingredients. Shape the mixed dough to small mini on baking paper on a baking plate. Use your fingers that is easier since the mix is quite wet and sticky.

Bake them in the oven for about 15 minutes, they should get a little bit golden brown. When they are ready, let them harden a bit in the fridge. They are also preferably stored in the fridge.


Sunday, May 17, 2015

Pork meatballs with satay sauce // Färsköttbullar med sataysås // albondigas de cerdo con salsa de satay

Ladies and gentlemen, let us introduce the most delicious meal ever created on this earth, We have been absolutely addicted to this dish ever since we stumbled over it. We asked nicely the owner of the recipe if we could share it here, and she said yes!

It is a lot of ingredients but don't be afraid, it's very easy to make and it just needs to be shopped or mixed. We sorted them per meatballs, salad and sauce, but in the very bottom of this post you will find the full list of ingredients so you can know the total sum.

The meatballs
  • 400-500 g minced pork meat // fläskfärs // carne molida de cerdo We used 50/50 beaf/pork meat because the store was out of pork minced meat
  • 2 garlic cloves // vitlökslyftor // dientes de ajo
  • 4 cm shredded ginger // ingefära // jengibre
  • 1-2 tablespoon chopped gari (sushi ginger) // gari sushi ingefära // gari jengibre de sushi (we couldn't find this so we skipped it
  • 1/2  fine chopped yellow chili // gul chili // chile amarillo
  • 1/2  fine chopped red chili // röd chili //  chile rojo
  • 1/2  fine chopped green chili // grön chili  // chile verde
  • 2-3 tablespoon soya // soja // soja
  • 1/2  shopped pot of fresh coriander // kruka koriander // ramillete de cilantro 
  • 1 tablespoon coriander powder // torkad koriander // cilantro en polvo
  • 1 tablespoon sesame oil // sesamolja // aceite de ajonjoli
  • 1 tablespoon fish sauce // fisksås // salsa de pescado
  • sesame seeds to toss into the pan before it goes into the oven // sesamfrön // agonjoli 

The Satay sauce (peanut sauce)


  • 50 g peanuts // jordnötter // cacahuate
  • 100 g brown sugar //  farinsocker // azúcar moreno
  • 1/2 DL water // vatten //agua
  • 1-2  garlic cloves // vitlöksklyftor // dientes de ajo
  • 1-2 chili's of any color // chili // chile  
  • 1-2 tablespoon gari (sushi ginger) // gari sushi ingefära // gari jengibre de sushi (we couldn't find this so we skipped it
  • 2 squeezed lime // pressade lime // limones y su jugo
  • 1/2 DL fish sauce // fisksås // salsa de pescado
  • 1/2-1 DL peanut butter oil or canola oil // jordnötsolja eller rapsolja // aceite de colza o eceite de cacahuete  we used canola oil
  • 1/2 -1 pot of fresh coriander // kruka koriander // ramillete de cilantro 
  • 1-2 tablespoon sesame oil // sesamolja // aceite de ajonjoli
  • 1 spring union //  vårlök // cebolleta
  • 1 DL peanut butter // jordnötssmör // manteca de cacahuete

The Salad:


  • 1 handful of shredded sugar snaps // sockerärtor // guisantes dulces
  • 2 shredded (big size) carrots  // morötter // zanahorias
  • 1-2 spring union in thin slices // vårlök // cebolleta
  • 10 cm shredded (big size) winter radish // rättika // rábano
  • 1/2 pot of shopped fresh coriander // kruka koriander // ramillete de cilantro
  • 1/2 shredded (big size) immature mango // omogen mango // mango inmaduro

How to do it:

The meatballs. Heat the oven to 150 C or 302 F. Mix everything for the meatballs, shape the balls by hand. Fry them in a pan so they get a light brown finish on the surface, sprinkle your sesame seeds into the pan. Put the pan into the oven and let them finish inside the oven.

The Sauce.  Boil the water and brown sugar carefully. Add the peanuts and let it boil a couple of minutes. Meanwhile, add all the other ingredients into a mixer or blender, and add the sugar-water when its ready. Mix everything properly. Taste the sauce to see if you want to add more of everything.

The salad: Shred and/or cut everything in preferable sizes. If you want you can mix in a little bit of the sauce with the salad or leave it plain.

Shape the meatballs

We used salted peanuts

Squeezed lime with our new vintage lemon/lime press made of glass
Mix everything for the sauce

Salad, plain without the sauce

Done! this dish is a true joy to eat, its full of taste and color, and can be adapted with the ingredients so it becomes as you wish. WE can't get enough of this sauce and have already plenty of ideas how to use it together with other dishes

Full list of ingredients:

  • 400-500 g minced pork meat // fläskfärs // carne molida de cerdo
  • 3-4 garlic cloves // vitlökslyftor // dientes de ajo
  • 4 cm shredded ginger // ingefära // jengibre
  • 2-4  tablespoon chopped gari (sushi ginger) // gari sushi ingefära // gari jengibre de sushi (we couldn't find this so we skipped it
  • 3-4 chilli's in different colors //  chili // chile
  • 2-3 tablespoon soya // soja // soja 
  • 2 pots of fresh coriander // koriander // cilantro
  • 1 tablespoon coriander powder // torkad koriander // cilantro en polvo
  • 2-3 tablespoon sesame oil // sesamolja // aceite de ajonjoli
  • 1/2 DL + 1 tablespoon fish sauce // fisksås // salsa de pescado
  • sesame seeds  // sesamfrön // agonjoli
  • 50 g peanuts // jordnötter // cacahuate
  • 100 g brown sugar // farinsocker // azúcar moreno
  • 1/2 DL water // vatten //agua
  • 2 lime //  lime // limones
  • 1/2-1 DL peanut butter oil or canola oil // jordnötsolja eller rapsolja //  aceite de colza o eceite de cacahuete we used canola oil
  • 2-3 spring union // vårlök // guisantes dulces
  • 1 DL peanut butter // jordnötssmör // manteca de cacahuete
  • 1 handful of shredded sugar snaps // sockerärtor // guisantes dulces
  • 2 carrots // morötter // zanahorias
  • 10 cm winter radish // rättika // rábano
  • 1/2 immature mango // omogen mango //  mango inmaduro