Ladies and gentlemen, let us introduce the most delicious meal ever created on this earth, We have been absolutely addicted to this dish ever since we stumbled over it. We asked nicely the owner of the recipe if we could share it here, and
she said yes!
It is a lot of ingredients but don't be afraid, it's very easy to make and it just needs to be shopped or mixed. We sorted them per meatballs, salad and sauce, but in the very bottom of this post you will find the full list of ingredients so you can know the total sum.
The meatballs
- 400-500 g minced pork meat // fläskfärs // carne molida de cerdo We used 50/50 beaf/pork meat because the store was out of pork minced meat
- 2 garlic cloves // vitlökslyftor // dientes de ajo
- 4 cm shredded ginger // ingefära // jengibre
- 1-2 tablespoon chopped gari (sushi ginger) // gari sushi ingefära // gari jengibre de sushi (we couldn't find this so we skipped it
- 1/2 fine chopped yellow chili // gul chili // chile amarillo
- 1/2 fine chopped red chili // röd chili // chile rojo
- 1/2 fine chopped green chili // grön chili // chile verde
- 2-3 tablespoon soya // soja // soja
- 1/2 shopped pot of fresh coriander // kruka koriander // ramillete de cilantro
- 1 tablespoon coriander powder // torkad koriander // cilantro en polvo
- 1 tablespoon sesame oil // sesamolja // aceite de ajonjoli
- 1 tablespoon fish sauce // fisksås // salsa de pescado
- sesame seeds to toss into the pan before it goes into the oven // sesamfrön // agonjoli
The Satay sauce (peanut sauce)
- 50 g peanuts // jordnötter // cacahuate
- 100 g brown sugar // farinsocker // azúcar moreno
- 1/2 DL water // vatten //agua
- 1-2 garlic cloves // vitlöksklyftor // dientes de ajo
- 1-2 chili's of any color // chili // chile
- 1-2 tablespoon gari (sushi ginger) // gari sushi ingefära // gari jengibre de sushi (we couldn't find this so we skipped it
- 2 squeezed lime // pressade lime // limones y su jugo
- 1/2 DL fish sauce // fisksås // salsa de pescado
- 1/2-1 DL peanut butter oil or canola oil // jordnötsolja eller rapsolja // aceite de colza o eceite de cacahuete we used canola oil
- 1/2 -1 pot of fresh coriander // kruka koriander // ramillete de cilantro
- 1-2 tablespoon sesame oil // sesamolja // aceite de ajonjoli
- 1 spring union // vårlök // cebolleta
- 1 DL peanut butter // jordnötssmör // manteca de cacahuete
The Salad:
- 1 handful of shredded sugar snaps // sockerärtor // guisantes dulces
- 2 shredded (big size) carrots // morötter // zanahorias
- 1-2 spring union in thin slices // vårlök // cebolleta
- 10 cm shredded (big size) winter radish // rättika // rábano
- 1/2 pot of shopped fresh coriander // kruka koriander // ramillete de cilantro
- 1/2 shredded (big size) immature mango // omogen mango // mango inmaduro
How to do it:
The meatballs. Heat the oven to 150 C or 302 F. Mix everything for the meatballs, shape the balls by hand. Fry them in a pan so they get a light brown finish on the surface, sprinkle your sesame seeds into the pan. Put the pan into the oven and let them finish inside the oven.
The Sauce. Boil the water and brown sugar carefully. Add the peanuts and let it boil a couple of minutes. Meanwhile, add all the other ingredients into a mixer or blender, and add the sugar-water when its ready. Mix everything properly. Taste the sauce to see if you want to add more of everything.
The salad: Shred and/or cut everything in preferable sizes. If you want you can mix in a little bit of the sauce with the salad or leave it plain.
Shape the meatballs
We used salted peanuts
Squeezed lime with our new vintage lemon/lime press made of glass
Mix everything for the sauce
Salad, plain without the sauce
Done! this dish is a true joy to eat, its full of taste and color, and can be adapted with the ingredients so it becomes as you wish. WE can't get enough of this sauce and have already plenty of ideas how to use it together with other dishes
Full list of ingredients:
- 400-500 g minced pork meat // fläskfärs // carne molida de cerdo
- 3-4 garlic cloves // vitlökslyftor // dientes de ajo
- 4 cm shredded ginger // ingefära // jengibre
- 2-4 tablespoon chopped gari (sushi ginger) // gari sushi ingefära // gari jengibre de sushi (we couldn't find this so we skipped it
- 3-4 chilli's in different colors // chili // chile
- 2-3 tablespoon soya // soja // soja
- 2 pots of fresh coriander // koriander // cilantro
- 1 tablespoon coriander powder // torkad koriander // cilantro en polvo
- 2-3 tablespoon sesame oil // sesamolja // aceite de ajonjoli
- 1/2 DL + 1 tablespoon fish sauce // fisksås // salsa de pescado
- sesame seeds // sesamfrön // agonjoli
- 50 g peanuts // jordnötter // cacahuate
- 100 g brown sugar // farinsocker // azúcar moreno
- 1/2 DL water // vatten //agua
- 2 lime // lime // limones
- 1/2-1 DL peanut butter oil or canola oil // jordnötsolja eller rapsolja // aceite de colza o eceite de cacahuete we used canola oil
- 2-3 spring union // vårlök // guisantes dulces
- 1 DL peanut butter // jordnötssmör // manteca de cacahuete
- 1 handful of shredded sugar snaps // sockerärtor // guisantes dulces
- 2 carrots // morötter // zanahorias
- 10 cm winter radish // rättika // rábano
- 1/2 immature mango // omogen mango // mango inmaduro